JUTRO NAS TAM NIE MA, ale dziś jesteśmy w Cannes!
Wszystkie newsy
24. 05. 2022. Wydział

Etiuda animowana JUTRO NAS TAM NIE MA Olgi Kłyszewicz w sekcji konkursowej La Cinef Festival de Cannes! Dziś, 24 MAJA, światowa premiera filmu w Buñuel Theatre!

For its 25th edition, La Cinef has selected 13 live-action and 3 animated shorts directed by 6 male directors and 10 women directors, from among the 1,528 submitted by film schools all over the world. Four of them are from schools taking part for the first time and these 16 shorts reflect the diversity of filmmaking education in the world.

Every year, LA CINEF Selection, in its search for new talent, selects fifteen to twenty short and medium-length films submitted by film schools from all four corners of the globe. LA CINEF Jury, which is the same as that for Short Films in Competition, awards prizes to the three best entrants at an official ceremony in Cannes. Each year more than 2 000 student films are sent to LA CINEF Selection, their number being a testimony of the diversity and dynamism of the young international cinematographic creation. Since 1998 more than 410 films from more than a hundred schools in the world have been selected.

Szczegóły: cinefondation.com

JUTRO NAS TAM NIE MA, scenariusz i reżyseria Olga Kłyszewicz

Czasami w życiu natrafiamy na kogoś, kto patrzy na świat zupełnie inaczej i jest w stanie zmienić nasze spojrzenie. W takiej sytuacji znaleźli się bohaterowie mojego filmu, kiedy niespodziewanie doszło między nimi do spotkania.

opieka artystyczna: Joanna Jasińska-Koronkiewicz

"JUTRO NAS TAM NIE MA will be screened on Tuesday, May 24, at 2:30 p.m., in Buñuel Theatre (5th floor of the Palais). It will be part of La Cinef program 1."

Gratulacje Olga!!! Trzymamy kciuki!!!