Distinction for PHOBOS EX MACHINA
All news
24. 05. 2024.

Jury of The Most Beautiful Polish Books 2023 Competition of the Polish Society of Book Publishers awarded our Publishing House a distinction for Phobos Ex Machina by E. Ciechanowska and A. Urbański.

The distinction was presented at the ongoing International Book Fair in Warsaw and received by: Dr. Anna Zarychta, Vice-Rector for Science and Artistic Creation and head of the Publishing House of the Lodz Film School, and Dr. Bartłomiej Talaga, author of the book's graphic design and Head of the Photography Faculty.

PHOBOS EX MACHINA is a photography book that addresses the problem of image manipulation. The title refers to classical Greek mythology, where Phobos symbolizes the God of Fear. On the other hand, the term "Deus ex Machina" comes from the Greek tragedy, describing a situation when a special machine brought the deities to the stage, changing the course of events. "Phobos ex Machina" refers to the induced fear that transforms our beliefs and influences our actions.

You will find more information about the book in our previous news: https://www.filmschool.lodz.pl/en/news/2499,ksiazka-phobos-ex-machina-w-nbsp-rybniku.html

Complete list of competition winners: targiksiazkiwarszawa.pl/64-edycja-konkursu-ptwk-najpiekniejsze-polskie-ksiazki

You can visit the stand of the PWSFTviT Publishing House until the end of the Book Fair.
