Erasmus +

The Lodz Film School is a member of CILECT (The International Association of Film and Television Schools) which has members from all over the world (161 members) and also a member of GEECT (European Grouping of Film and Television Schools) which gathers 89 major film and television schools in Europe sharing the same ideas and standards of artistic education. Its members created a network of exchange and cooperation. That is why, the School would like to concentrate and prioritize partnership with CILECT members. What is more, the School has already signed many memorandums of understanding and has some regular partners like FAMU in Czech Republic, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Louis-Lumière in Paris or schools in Israel. However, School receives many requests and partnerships propositions from all over the world. The authorities are always open to worthwhile ideas for workshops, internships and exchanges.

Academic partners are selected based on institutional matching to ensure that the students and staff are offered the highest quality of experience in terms of academic rigour, intellectual challenges and the opportunity to develop stronger intercultural communications. A flexible approach to the selection of partners allows to create different levels of partnerships.

Institutional level:

*Academic compatibility and linkage, with Schools having matched areas of artistic priorities, teaching attitude and work technique
*Innovative yet practical teaching attitude,  

*A strong reputation and profile,    

*Commitment to diversity,    

*Mutual benefit to both partners.

Departmental level:
Allows for the adaptation of projects to cater for the specific requirements and priorities of each department nternationalization of the student experience
Adaptation of students’ curriculum to the expectations of the contemporary market
Workshops collaboration
Access to greater research funding and grants
Thus, the School objective is to participate and create valuable projects which provide good practices exchange and new experiences for the participants.

Mobility activities and the participation in international cooperation projects will facilitate the modernization and internationalization process and increase the high education quality of the Film School. An important objective of the mobility activities is to develop cooperation with programme and partner countries within a coherent and clear strategy for internationalization. Therefore, the number and intensity of the international projects and workshops will increase. Creating a network of artistic schools will give an opportunity to collaborate across a range of activities (ex. student exchange, staff exchange, internships, summer courses, workshops, international co-productions). Development of a truly international community will enhance educational quality and personal development. The School would also like to invite professors and professionals to deliver training courses or workshops. It is essential for students to participate in such events or in internships in the movie industry companies and artistic projects. This way School helps them to meet the demands for skilled graduates in an international market.

During the workshops and conferences, students have a great chance to develop their skills and competences. International meetings of students and professors facilitate intercultural dialogue and wider their opportunities in the market. For PhD students it is a chance to participate in international conferences and co-publications.

The teachers in turn, during the study visit, exchange knowledge and learn from each other about how to teach and help students, what is an effective methodology and what kind of exercises are the most efficient. They also together create ideas for projects and exchange programmes for students. However, professors can be trained but also they might teach. Teaching staff engaged in mobility programme could participate in interdisciplinary international study programs. School would also like to invite professors and professionals from other schools to increase the diversity of teaching staff.

Staff are also able to bring new ideas and have supplementary training sessions in other institutions. It is a great opportunity to develop personal competences and exchange work practice. Job shadowing and international meetings bring new co-operations and establish new relationships with culture departments and other artistic schools.

The Lodz Film School will entrust the process and carrying out of the international cooperation projects to the International Relations Department as it has a long-lasting experience as a coordinator of international undertakings. Based on the results of the previous projects, the goal is to continue and expand the cooperation of already existing networks and to develop new arrangements within ERASMUS+. The Department will beresponsible for the management of the projects developments, the organization of the international activities, the management of the incoming and outgoing students, teachers, administrative staff. The Department Coordinator will guard and recognize the study and traineeship activities abroad.

The Film School actively encourages its students and staff to be involved in international educational projects. Participation in international projects and mobility programs is seen as a key element of the professional development of staff. These activities contribute to internationalizing and modernizing the institution.

In order to attract international students, the Film School will offer a support system including academic (Erasmus coordinator) and student (mentor programme) support, a free- of-charge Polish course, assistance with organizational arrangements, Welcome Week, intercultural training, etc. The Film School will take every possible measure to reach the potential students with the information of its education opportunities. In order to achieve this goal, the School will provide the Course Catalogue, transparent information on the School website, offer informative printed materials dedicated to the international audience. School will also encourage Film School students to study or do an internship abroad and to take part in international projects. It is also a priority to supply them with an international dimension of their education and the qualifications they need to be employable in an international environment. Also PhD students will be encouraged to participate in international cooperations and conferences to give them opportunities to spend part of their studies abroad.

Another priority will be to stimulate international exchange among teachers and reduce organizational barriers to staff members going abroad. Study visits are also very valuable which provides the opportunity to observe different institutions, exchange opinions and experiences. It is also the most efficient way to plan and discuss future plans, projects, workshops and arrangements. For the junior teachers, it might also be an opportunity to experience diverse perspectives and a new access to an academic environment.

The participation in Erasmus + Programme will have a great impact on the modernization and on the internationalization of the School. Referring to priorities of the Modernisation Agenda the objectives are:

1.Increasing attainment levels to provide the graduates and researchers Europe needs.

The Film School offers a relevant study program. In an era of ‘democratization of film equipment’, technology development and internet possibilities, the contemporary professional movie industry requires highly skilled graduates who can operate across boundaries. A learning and teaching strategy aims to provide high standards and prepare students to participate and contribute to the history of cinematography. To obtain this, theSchool organizes workshops and meetings focused on high-tech and the latest trends. To keep the professors and students up to date specialists are invited to present professional innovations like 3D technique, VR or drones. However, students at the beginning of their curriculum also work on a film reel which makes the School one of the few in Europe with such a possibility. The high quality of the Film School teaching process was noticed and awarded by numerous awards. The success of the teaching process is also proved by all of the awards students receive for their films on the festivals all over the world (ex. Sundance, Toronto FF, Cannes, Berlinale). In consequence the employment rate of PWSFTviT alumni is very high and they continue to receive awards and achievements internationally. All the international events and cooperations increase students’ chances on the global market. Any form of mobility constitutes a perfect tool for increasing professional, social and intercultural competences and employability.

2.Improving the quality and relevance of higher education.

The Film School strives to equip students with knowledge indispensable to succeed in the modern artistic and entertainment world. To achieve this goal, curricula are adjusted to current needs and staff are supported in exchanges for training and teaching. It gives them the opportunity to compare teaching methods, discuss learning outcomes and improve the quality of the syllabus. The participants will return with a different perspective on the studying process and their future employment. The main mission is to boost the film industry with well-educated and creative artists and entrepreneurial producers and organizators. Study and training programmes are formed to create and disseminate knowledge and expertise, as well as to pursue technological, cultural, and artistic excellence within a framework of international quality standards. That is why also, the Film School wants to involve external industry companies to develop study programs, to maintain the high quality and adapt the study offers to the needs of the market.

3.Strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation

The Film School would like to develop and deepen networks it is involved in by expanding world-wide cooperation with partner universities. Engagement in the Programme will help the next generation of students to have a greater understanding of global issues and different cultures. It will be an opportunity to evolve critical thinking, broad perspectives, improve language skills, professional self-confidence and chances on the market. Studying abroad let to encounter different artistic ideas and tendencies, search for inspiration and comparisons. In the world of artists, it is essential to observe, inspire and search for new waves. The staff might improve competences, make a professional advancement in their career, strengthen the quality of the teaching, widen the knowledge of methods and teaching techniques and compare the good educational practices of the European countries.

4.Linking higher education, research and business for excellence and regional development.

The Film School invites and collaborates with internationally-renown companies and enterprises. Foreign media companies and equipment distributors are invited to conduct classes, workshops, consultations and conferences create a network developing School’s know-how. This cooperation supports the adaptation to the modern labour market which demands from the graduates international experience and knowledge.

5.Improving governance and funding

In addition to the global university budget, the Film School has been always searching for additional funding to extend standards and participate in a wide range international events. The Programme will complement the budget and evaluate the system. At the same time the School has a competent management and organizes funding professionally.

Erasmus + is essential to go forward, continue tradition and create new graduates who will sustain the global reputation and ranking of the Lodz Film School. Its great power are talented people who represent high standards. However, the School must invest to let them experience good practice.

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