MY FAT ARSE AND I wins Jury Prize at Zlín Festival
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20. 09. 2021. Department

Animated short MY FAT ARSE AND I by Yelyzaveta Pysmak received Jury Prize of the Student Films Zlín Dog section at the 61st International Film Festival for Children and Youth in the Czech Republic.

International Jury of the Student Films Zlín Dog section, composed of: Loreta Gandolfi (UK) – President of the Jury
Josef Lustig (CZR, USA)
Karolína Zalabáková (CZR)
justified their verdict as follows:
This is a film for women and men regardless of gender! The film is a powerful physical experience of the themes of body shaming and eating disorders. It ingeniously deconstructs the sentiments of a  woman who finds herself chained in the eternal imperative of a perverse circle of predetermined ideas of beauty. Creative and sparkling, the animation takes us on a  roller coaster journey where we experience the viscerality of the dilemma through subversive humour. The film courageously names the issue and offers acceptance, which is a way of saying: I disobey!

See the details:

MY FAT ARSE AND I (JA I MOJA GRUBA DUPA), Yelyzaveta Pysmak artistic supervision: Piotr Dumała, Piotr Milczarek

 Congratulations Yelyzaveta!!!