SON OF THE STREETS is the best at Sehsüchte ISFF
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18. 07. 2021. Department

SON OF THE STREETS by Mohammed Almughanni has been awarded the Best Documentary Short at the Sehsüchte International Student Film Festival.

The "Sehsüchte" International Student Film Festival is organized by KONRAD WOLF Film University in Babelsberg.
It is the oldest student film festival in Europe organized for film school students by students.
This year, the 50th jubilee edition has been held on July 21-25.


SON OF THE STREETS, dir. Mohammed Almughanni

Khodor (13) a child whose family tries to issue him an ID document that proves his existence and gives him the right to education, healthcare and movement outside of the Palestinian refugee camp of Shatila in Beirut, Lebanon. Throughout the process, many of the family old secrets get revealed.

Artistic supervision: Jacek Bławut, Andrzej Sapija

Congratulations Moha!!!