A Handful of Prizes for us in Koszalin
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24. 06. 2018.

The Festival of Debut Films in Koszalin closed on Saturday night. See the lucky verdict.

The titles of many films made by our school students and graduates can be found in the jury verdict of the 37th Koszalin Film Festival "Młodzi i Film".

Here is a list of winners:

AMBER 2018 FOR BEST SCREENPLAY went to Jagoda Szelc for the film "Tower. A Bright Day" Award justification: Based on the script, the most mysterious and controversial film of the festival was made.

AMBER 2018 FOR PHOTOGRAPHY (for a Short Film) went to Adam Suzin for the film "Drżenia"/Tremors by Dawid Bodzak. Award justification: For transferring a young person’s complexities, emotions and tremors for the screen.

AMBER 2018 FOR BEST ANIMATED SHORT FILM went to Alicja Błaszczyńska for the film "Błoto" /Mud (diploma film, film production: Fumi Studio). Award justification: For creating a visually and emotionally consistent picture of love which is dangerously close to that which is hidden, broken and imperfect in us.

LEGAL CULTURE SPECIAL PRIZE went to Michał Hytros for the film "Siostry"/ Sisters. Award justification: For depicting usually unavailable areas Za ukazanie przestrzeni na co dzień niedostępnych w sposób ciepły i przyjazny dla portretowanych bohaterów.

DR IRENA ERIS BRAND PRIZE for PROMISING DIRECTOR went to Emi Buchwald for the film "Heimat". Award justification: For author’s own, complementary interpretation of family interpersonal relations and dependencies.

CANAL + Prize for BEST SHORT FILM went to Zuzanna Stach for the film "Wyspa"/The Island. Award justification: for simple beauty and grasping complex human relationships in a 7-minut-long film.

PRESS PRIZE for SHORT FILM went to Emi Buchwald for the film "Heimat". Award justification: For a witty presentation of a complex family portrait utilising every day absurdities.

Congratulations to all the winners.

Complete Festival Verdict: http://www.mlodziifilm.pl/wydarzenia,29,675,1,Laureaci-37-Festiwalu-Mlodzi-i-Film.html