What are we screening in Gdynia?
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17. 09. 2017. Department

In the Short Film Competition of the Polish Fiction Films’ Festival in Gdynia five films from our school will be screened.

Five of our films on Polish Film Festival are in Short Films Competition! We already know the results of the selection for the Short Film Competition of the most important polish film event: The Polish Film Festival in Gdynia. The Short Film Competition where we will screen 5 films! was formed as a combination of two earlier competitions running as part of Gdynia festival: Short Fiction Films Competition and Young Cinema Competition.

The films we are taking to Gdynia:
- „Heimat”, director: Emi Buchwald, director of photography: Tomasz Gajewski; artistic supervision: Filip Bajon, Jacek Bławut
- „Kamienne chleby/Stone Bread”, director: Sandeep Balhara, Klaudiusz Chrostowski, Taras Dron, Nastazja Gonera, Daniel Howlid, Kamil Krukowski, Robin Lipo, Aleksandra Maciejczyk, Justyna Mytnik, Eugeniusz Pankov, Joanna Satanowska, Marcin Strauchold, Maciej Rotowski, Mo Tan; director of photography: Miłosz Kasiura, artistic supervision: Jan Jakub Kolski
- „Krótki dystans/Short distance”, director: Giovanni Pierangeli, director of photography: Filip Lyman, artistic supervisor: Sławomir Kryński
- „Pustkowie/Wasteland”, director: Jakub Michnikowski, director of photography: Przemysław Brynkiewicz, artistic supervision: Jacek Bławut
- „W grudniu po południu/When Hell Freezes Over”, director: Filip Bojarski, director of photography: Tomasz Wierzbicki, artistic supervisor: Robert Gliński

The 42nd edition of the Gdynia Film Festival will take place between 18-23 September 2017.

For more information please visit: http://www.festiwalgdynia.pl/en/

2 - "Heimat"
3 - "Stone Bread"
4 - "Short distance"
5 - "When Hell Freezes Over"