"Tower. A Bright Day" – news from Cannes.
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26. 05. 2017. Department

Let’s have a glimpse at Cannes, where extracts from Jagoda Szelc’ debut film were shown in a closed screening for film professionals from all over the world. The film was presented by its producer.

"Tower. A Bright Day" is a full length feature debut film of our direction student Jagoda Szelc and its extracts were shown as part of the programme „New Horizons’ Polish Days Fest. Goes to Cannes”. "The Goes to Cannes" is a programme which offers to renowned festivals the possibility to showcase a selection of works-in-progress still looking for sales agents, distributors or a festival selection. The film and the school were represented in Cannes by Marcin Malatyński, the film’s producer and the head of international relations.

How did the film “Tower” find itself in Cannes? Out of the initiative of the Polish Film Institute the Festival T-Mobile, New Horizons had found itself among 10 world festivals which could showcase selected films as works-in-progress in the programme, "The Goes to Cannes". "The Goes to Cannes" is a part of the biggest film fair, Marché du Film at the 70th Cannes International Film Festival. Among the five selected by the festival Polish films being works-in-progress there was Jagoda Szelc’s fiction debut film, “Tower. A Bright Day” produced by Indeks Film Studio at the Lodz Film School.

“Tower. A Bright Day” is the full length feature debut of Jagoda Szelc, a Wroclaw Fine Arts Academy graduate and a Lodz Film School direction student whose student films have won numerous festival prizes. The film’s artistic supervisor is Mariusz Grzegorzek, the Lodz Film School Rector. The film has been produced by the Indeks Film Studio, whose goal is to facilitate first film productions of the most talented students and graduates of the Lodz Film School. The studio was founded in 1990 by the outstanding Polish film director, Lodz film school lecturer and later the school’s rector, Wojciech Jerzy Has. At present, the Studio has been named after Wojciech Jerzy Has.

“Tower. A Bright Day” is a film about mysterious things happening in the life of a seemingly normal family. Cast: Anna Krotoska, Małgosia Szczerbowska, Dorota Łukasiewicz –Kwietniewska, Anna Zubrzycki, Rafał Cieluch, Rafał Kwietniewski, Laila Hennessy, Ida Kwietniewska, Igor Kwietniewski. Photography: Przemysław Brynkiewicz, our school’s cinematography graduate. Art. Direction: Natalia Giza. Film Production: Indeks Film Studio, producer: Marcin Malatyński, coproducers: Lodz Film School, Centrala, Dreamsound, Heliograf, EBH. The film project is co-financed by Polish Film Institute.

FB film profile: https://www.facebook.com/wieza.jasny.dzien/?fref=ts Indeks Film Studio website: http://www.studioindeks.pl/
Info about the film to be found at: http://www.studioindeks.pl/mainslide/wieza-jasny-dzien-z-dotacja-pisf/

photo POLISH CINEMA / Agata Dąbrowska / bindupphoto.pl